New Balance
Photo_Kazuki Nagayama
Styling_Masumi Sakamoto
Text_Maki Sekine

FuelCell Speedrift TABI – BLACK
¥27,500 / TOKYO DESIGN STUDIO New Balance
姿はそのまま全く新鮮なインパクトを持って現れた 。
その革新が生まれたプロセスを 、TDS・モリタニシュウゴ氏に聞く 。
そうして見る者に心地よい衝撃を与える、(以下、TDS)の新作「FuelCell Speedrift TABI」。アメリカと日本のデザインチームから成るTDS、日本の職人技や感性を通じ、真と質を追求しながらイノベーティブな取り組みを推し進める。その中心となるのが、クリエイティブデザインマネージャーを務めるモリタニ氏だ。
「TABIは日本橋浜町に今夏オープンしたコンセプトストアと並行して開発したもの。は川越にあった築122年の蔵を移設したのですが、その構造や職人技に僕らが感銘を受け、この感覚をプロダクトとして具現化したいと始まりました。そうした足袋という発想が出たものの、デザインとしては足袋そのまま。表現としてダイレクト過ぎないかとの議論もありましたが、『FuelCell Speedrift』という最新のパフォーマンス・ランニングシューズのソールユニットを採用し、伝統的な足袋と最先端のソールをドッキングすることでユニークで強い一足になると考えたのです。足袋をシューズへと着地させる上では、が大切にしている『履き心地』を実現するための試行錯誤もありました。
「FuelCell Speedriftは競技用ランニングシューズのソールのため、反発性が高い。そしてアッパーは素材をふたつしか使っていないので、他とは違う、靴下を履いているような感覚が生まれる。構造的に足あたりもありません」クラフトマンシップと最新技術、どちらか一方に傾かず両方を評価するのが日本のモノ作りだと氏は言う。その特長が、TABIを導き出したのだろう。

モリタニシュウゴ|武蔵野美術大学、LONDON CENTRAL SAINT MARTINS MA 卒業。国内のデザイナーズアパレルブラン ドにて、パタンナー・デザイナーのキャリアを重ねたのち、2012 年 New Balance 入社。New Balance グローバル インラインのデザインを行いながら、TOKYO DESIGN STUDIO New Balance のクリエイティブデザインマネー ジャーとしてデザインならびにブランドディレクションを手がける。
“High performance shoes with the use of a Japanese traditional clasp inside its innovative design. How did it all happen?”(PHAETON/Yoshihito Sakaya)
The new lineup from TOKYO DESIGN STUDIO New Balance(TDS) ‘FuelCell Speedrift TABI’ grabs attention with a stunning grasp of aesthetics. The design team of TDS are from both US and Japan, pursuing the purity and quality of the Japanese craftsmanship towards their own innovation. Leading the project is the creative design manager, Mr Moritani.
“The idea of TABI was developed along side the concept store ‘T-HOUSE’ which opened in Hamacho, Nihonbashi this summer. T-HOUSE was originally a 122 year old Japanese style warehouse in Kawagoe which we relocated. We were deeply impressed by the craftsmanship in the structure, and felt we should embody this feeling in our product. A tabi (traditional Japanese foot wear) came up as a concept, but its design was also tabi all the way. Many said its presentation was too straight forward, but by adopting the sole unit of FuelCell Speedrift, the newest performance running shoes, I was sure that the combination of the latest technology and the design’s uniqueness would work out fine. We had to overcome obstacles to express tabi as a shoe, by taking notice of what New Balance values the most, “what best fits”.
We really wanted to emphasize the good fit and the good support. To achieve this, we came up with a sock liner inside, but the small difference of the upper double layer changes the feel for the wearer entirely. The patterns and how it stretches, and the combination with the clasp, through much trial and error we were able to make this comfortability possible.”
That’s why TABI is not just about its looks, but also the uncharted fit. Very light, with just the right holding sensation, and the toes moving freely inside. The feedback we’ve had from people who’ve worn the shoe is that “it feels like my feet are jumping!”
“The sole unit of FuelCell Speedrift is for competitive running shoes, and is highly reactive with the ground. It’s made up of only two parts so you feel as if you’re only wearing socks. Its structure won’t disturb any part of your foot.”
Balancing craftsmanship with the highest technology, without bias to one or the other but instead respecting the value in both is the beauty of Japanese manufacturing, he says. Perhaps this thought lead the way to TABI.
“Working together with the international team, the ‘Japan’ inside me became more clear. The task of TDS is to create new design, product and concepts that ordinary New Balance don’t suggest, and we want to push that limit even more. Not only limiting ourselves to shoes or apparel, we want to share our creation and our culture from many angles, and boost the New Balance brand in ways the fans have yet to see.”
SHUGO MORITANI | Graduated form Musashino Univ. and LONDON CENTRAL SAINT MARTINS MA. Pursued career as a patterner & designer in domestic designers brand, and in 2012 joined New Balace. Designer of New Balance global inline & creative design manager for TOKYO DESIGN STUDIO New Balance / designer and brand director.
Contact: ニューバランスジャパン
Tel 0120-85-0997